This Summer’s List of Affordable Workshops and Classes for Creative Minds in NYC

Many classes and workshops, whether for writing or painting, tend to be expensive and out of reach for many students and younger artists. However, there are still many opportunities to delve into your craft locally this summer. Stay challenged and connected  by signing up for workshops, classes, and events this summer. Check out these no-commitment, one session classes around NYC:

Drawing and Painting

1.  Draw In Central Park -$35

A 1-session beginner’s course run by The Art Studio NY, the class is a nature walk workshop duo for creative minds inspired by nature. They meet Saturdays (check online schedule, as it is not every Saturday of the month) from 12pm-2pm in the Upper West Side of Central Park. Instructors are teachers from the studio, who will guide the lesson and provide feedback. The fee also includes all art supplies for the day.

2. MoMA – Artist Lead Classes (Free-$30 for Students)

Join artists currently exhibited by the MoMA for 1 session classes ranging from style, technique, to theory. With a student ID, register for classes at a discounted price of $30 such as “Political Printmaking: The 1960s and Today”, or look for their free events such as “Art and Practice with Carloine Woolord.” If you can’t make it to the MoMA, you can also utilize their online archives of classes at home.

3. Weekly Figure Drawing – $15

The Trestle Gallery in Gowanus, Brooklyn is a community studio that offers walk-in figure drawing classes three times a week -Monday and Wednesday Evening, along with Saturday afternoons. The session includes no instruction, only the space and the model where artists bring their own supplies and work on their figure drawing techniques.

4. First Fridays Art Social – $20

A laid back event designed for fun, the Brooklyn Craft Company meets every Friday evening at 7PM for drawing class and wine tasting to meet friends and improve your craft. The price includes all drawing materials and drinks for wine tasting.

Theatre and Performance

1. The Magnet Theatre – FREE

Introduction classes from improv to storytelling, the Magnet Theatre in Midtown, NY offers frequent tuition free classes where attendees are taught by theatre professionals for 1 class sessions. They also have shows, such as Premiere: The Improvised Musical debuting this month for only $10 a ticket.

2. AND Wednesdays -FREE

The  Artistic New Directions acting group (or, AND) hosts free events on Wednesdays. These include a Improv Workshop run by actors Scotty Watson and David Marx, or a Open Rehearsal for Anything Goes, where participants perform a 10-minute cold reading of the musical (there is only 6 spots available to make sure to RSVP for this event by emailing

3. Jalopy Jam Sessions & Workshops 

The Jalopy theatre and studio in Brooklyn hosts a variety of jam sessions, free of charge, where musicians can gather and riff off each other in a group of talented musicians. They also provide workshops (ranging from $25-$30) where you can register to learn more about tuning and improving music for the instrument of your choice. Also check out their lists of Live Music Performances in addition to their classes.

Poetry and Writing

  1. Brooklyn Poets’ YAWP -$5

Named after the Walt Whitman’s famous line in Leaves of Grass, this local community is dedicated to inspiring and connecting with others. Orchestrated by Brooklyn poet, Jason Koo, the group invites poets to meet at 61 Local at 7PM every second Monday of the month for a workshop and open mic. Guest speakers frequently come in to lead the group, and participants receive feedback as well as an opportunity to share.

2. Gotham Writers – FREE

Alongside its premiere programs that require tuition, Gotham Writers also host a variety of events free of charge. From topics ranging from playwriting, to humor writing, even entry level creative writing, their free courses survey a variety of genres, meeting anywhere from Bryant Park to local bars and restaurants.

3. New York Public Library -FREE

Search for writing events such as Island Writers Creative Writing Group meeting every Tuesday at 1pm, or an autobiographical focused group Writing Circle meeting every Thursday at 10am, the library organizes a variety of free events in various locations.


  1. Pay What You Wish- Experiential Intuitive Photography -$20 (suggested)

The Art of Intuitive Photography, in addition to its many photography classes and sessions, will often offer a “pay as you wish” 1 hour photography session. These are lead by one of their instructors, and they focus on tapping into your intuition as well as offering basic tips and photographing skills.

2. PhotoManhattan’s Free and Affordable Photography Classes -FREE

PhotoManhattan school of photography offers free of cost workshops and photography sessions through their Meetup page. Here, photographers can gather for various walks or in studio for a courtesy course lead by instructors from the school.



Photographer Paul Rabinowitz Captures Portraits of Artists in “Limited Light”

Paul Rabinowitz of Brooklyn, NY breaks the barriers of portrait photography in his collaborative series Limited Light. Working exclusively with other artists as his subjects, Rabinowitz attempts to visually portray each artist as what he likes to call, a “Modern Day Saint.”

“I guess what I’m trying to do is go beyond the physical being” explains Rabinowitz. The Limited Light series has now branched off into multiple collaborative projects, creating a ripple effect of artwork that combines his photography with art forms practiced by his subjects. Painters, dancers, actors and poets have contributed to this now evolving project.

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Rabinowitz’s process for this series is carefully designed to insure an authentic, yet intimate result. “All of what I do happens organically” the photographer explains. These photographs are all taken in natural light, utilizing no lighting equipment and taken in black and white. After the photos are taken, Rabinowitz stresses it is crucial he does not manipulate the photos with editing and retouching. Additionally, each shot is taken within a one hour session. Rabinowitz goes into each of these sessions asking “How can I  figure out who you are through the shoot?

Another distinct requirement for these sessions are how he chooses his subjects. Rather than basing the decision off of looks or being “photogenic”, Rabinowitz explains that it is solely inspired by the artist’s work. Whether they are a writer, painter, or jewelry maker- it is the art that precedes the subject. Rabinowitz shares of instances where he inquired about a Limited Light session without knowing what the artist looked like, and only knowing their artwork.

“I’m trying to sketch [the artist] in sixty minutes through the camera” says Rabinowitz. The essence of what is being captured, he shares, correlates with the subject’s own artwork.

As of last year, Rabinowitz is in the process of an extensive collaboration with a painter in Utah who takes the photographer’s photos and imposes artwork onto it to create different characters. This project is still under development, and will soon be cultivated into a more elaborate series that includes poetry as well.

To find out more about Limited Light, follow updates on Paul Rabinowitz’s blogspot.